Discover hint and tips important for your holiday in Croatia.

How to get from one place to another in the shortest time?
When’s the best time to visit a certain destination?
How to get tickets for a festival or any event of your interest?
What to do if a police officer stops you?

Hint and Tips

Should you rent a car or get a cab? Where can you “ran into” celebrities?

Every destination in the world has its own set of those unwritten and less publicly known rules, habits or little details that make the entire experience that much better.
But Croatia is not an exception.



So For example, if you book your holiday in Dubrovnik in July, and take a break in one particular restaurant on a particular day, there’s a great chance that you’ll be sitting next to a Hollywood star.



Or, if you land on the Croatian capital’s airport, should you just take another flight to the coast or would you perhaps enjoy your time here better by renting a car and maybe taking a quick d-tour or two along the way if you know what we mean?

Because these and many other tips and hints that will make your holiday in Croatia a better experience are here.



So we recommend that you begin with the guides below. For any additional help, contact us. And we’ll get back to you in no time. 


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